Center of Continuing Education: upgraded level of education!

Center of Continuing Education: upgraded level of education!

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.

John Dewey

The center of continuing education at the Université Antonine, has established a new concept of training for professionals as well as high school students, providing learning outcomes in various fields, such as:

-   Communication and Journalism

-   Sports and Health

-   Business and Marketing

-   Design and Music

-   Networking and IT

In a resourceful interview with the center’s director, Dr. Jenny Mouchantaf, we discussed the detailed aspects behind this innovative concept.

Upon a market demand and an absence of such enriching projects in Lebanon; this idea was planned and put to action, as a relationship between secondary school and college life; for young individuals to have a glimpse of what the professional experience looks like. High school seniors are to participate in 10 different workshops of wide-ranging domains on regular Saturdays or Fridays afternoon -totally free of charge- for 3 consecutive weeks at the Université Antonine campus.

This experience will enable them to choose better their specialization in college or narrow down their choices in case they have several preferences. Through both practical and theoretical grounds, the center provides a concrete and creative program, which is a first in Lebanon.

In addition, the center of continuing education offers training workshops for academic instructors, as well as professional individuals in numerous career positions; to enhance their human potential.

Whatever your position is, in any required field, the center of continuing education at the Université Antonine is there, creating a customized training to satisfy your professional need. 

Jenny Mchantaf, PhD, Associate professor, faculty of information and communication and Director of the center of continuing education