Strengthening The Core

Lower Back Pain Rehab!

The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.


The goal of core training nowadays is to acquire a set of abs, for appearances and looks more than for functionality. Yet sports coaches, physiotherapists, and athletes truly appreciate the importance of the core.

The stabilization of the osteoarticular system is necessary prior to the initiation of any movement. Without it, many complications will appear,   leading to diminished movement efficiency. For example: stress, typically in the form of micro trauma, will be placed on the tissue of the muscle, leading to further compensation issues and biomechanical changes.

A poor workout of the core doesn’t stabilize the spine. This can result in irrelevant exercises, causing negative energy leaks. These leaks are displayed in inefficient actions, where they can certainly lead to physiological problems, often resulting in a pain-injury cycle.

Over 80 per cent of adults have suffered low back pain at one time or another. Research shows that individuals with chronic low back pain have decreased activation of the deep core stabilizers. Lower back injury reduction is a very important reason for training the core, since a strong core allows us to gain and maintain body control.

A properly conditioned core can minimize the risk of Injuries. With a well core training plan, many of the everyday aches and pains can be avoided.

Follow these basic frequent routines to gain the most benefits from the time and effort invested:

1 - Elbow plank

Maintain a completely straight line in the body with the ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles in alignment. Hold this position for 45 seconds then rest for 15 seconds.  (Sets of 4).

2 - Straight-Arm Plank


Position the hands on the floor directly under the shoulders with the arms perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for 30seconds and rest for 30 seconds. (Sets of 4)

3 - Lateral Elbow plank

While maintaining a lateral alignment, lift the body into a straight-line, neutral position (ear, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle in a straight line). Maintain a completely straight line in the body for 30 seconds and repeat the opposite side. Rest for 15 seconds. (Sets of 4)

4 - Lateral straight arm plank

Lying on one side, position one hand on the floor directly under the shoulder with the arm perpendicular to the floor. Maintain a completely straight line in the body for 30 seconds and then repeat the opposite side. Rets for 15 seconds. (Sets of 4)

Georges Assaf, Director of the European University Diploma for Strength and Conditioning and instructor at the Institute of Physical Education and Sports